Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Coming up soon...

Hi all,

I'm trying to slow down the book posts because so many people have said they wanted to follow along but I am going too fast!  Sorry friends.  I read a lot during the day and at bedtime. 

Anyway, the post on The Dogs of Babel is forthcoming, but I finished reading the book last week.  I have a ton of notes.  I really tried to read it as if for the first time, but of course I couldn't undo the knowledge I had of what was to come.  I hope you all have enjoyed it or are still enjoying it! 

I was asked today what our next read will be and I think I've decided on Lord of the Flies by William Golding.  I know that this is one of those books that lots of people had to read in high school, but we didn't read it in mine and I've always wanted to read it.  A friend and blog follower said the same when we discussed it today...  Bonus!  I just bought a copy for 50 cents at the latest book sale and whoever owned it before me took lots of notes in it!  To see what else I picked up at the book sale, please click here 

What do you guys think?  If you've read it, is it worth rereading?  If you haven't read it, do you want to? 


Unknown said...

I did read it (one hundred years ago, I'm old!). I definitely believe that it is worth reading but, be warned, it is disturbing. I don't have a copy so I'll check at the library!

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